6 May 2022

L’Oréal place order for robotic carts from FlexQube worth $290 000

Anders Fogelberg

Anders Fogelberg


eQart Line Order

FlexQube has received an order for eQart® Line Robots from L’Oréal in the USA worth $290 000. The robots will be deployed in one of the distribution centers of L’Oréal during the third quarter of 2022.

CEO Anders Fogelberg comments: “This is the second large order we get in a rather short time frame for eQart® Line on the US market and we feel that this is a break-through for the acceptance of our modular approach to AGVs. An affordable and user-friendly automation concept with extremely short implementation time. We take another step on our journey to become a recognized robotics company and I look very much forward to see these robots in use at L’Oréal.”

About FlexQube

FlexQube is a technology company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden with subsidiaries in USA, Mexico, Germany and England. FlexQube offers solutions for cart-based material handling using a patented modular concept. FlexQube develops and designs customized solutions for both robotic and mechanical cart logistics. Through the own developed and unique automation concept FlexQube can offer robust and self-driving robotic carts. FlexQube has more than 850 customers in 35 countries with primary markets being North America and Europe.

FlexQube’s customers can be found within the manufacturing industry, distribution- and warehousing. Some examples of major customers are Tesla, Amazon, Volvo Cars, Siemens, Autoliv, Scania, Oda and Mann+Hummel.

For more information, contact the CEO, Anders Fogelberg


+46 702 86 06 74

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