4 August 2017

FlexQube in successful relationship with Proterra, the maker of zero emission buses!

Andy Legut

Andy Legut

Sales Manager US Midwest & Canada

FlexQube in successful relationship with Proterra, the maker of zero emission buses!

FlexQube and Proterra have come together during 2017 to design and implement more than 25 different material handling solutions. These are used in their LA and SC facilities.​The total value of the delivered solutions exceeds $150 000.

The two companies have during the spring/summer worked together in a project with the following objectives:

  • create a more efficient material flow including tugger carts, kit-carts and racks
  • come up with new innovative ideas for parts presentation
  • achieve best possible ergonomics for operators
  • standardize design of intralogistics equipment such as racks and carts
  • create a neat and futuristic looking production plant that is future proof

FlexQUbe kit carts helping to assemble a bus

FlexQube kit carts at a bus manufacturing

FlexQube kit carts at a bus manufacturing in Los Angeles

By working with our process tool DesignOnDemand™ we have been able to quickly design and deliver many applications to support the fast ramp up plans at Proterra.
Below are some pictures from official opening at the Los Angeles facility on July 26. Our carts and racks are seen in the green/white mix color but you may also download a presentation of the applications.

Among the solutions we have made are;

By working with our unique process tool DesignOnDemand™, where we design the solutions together with the customer, we have been able to quickly design and deliver many applications to support the fast ramp up plans at Proterra. The interest for electric buses is growing rapidly in North America as many cities wants to reduce air pollution in city environments.

Lalit Savalia, Manufacturing Engineering Manager at Proterra, comments: “The process for me has been very seamless and transparent from design to implementation of the different applications. All solutions work great and everyone appreciates it and they are very unique and that differentiate FlexQube from other competitors. The concept is very modular and you can build many different solutions with the same parts.”

Anders Fogelberg, CEO of FlexQube, comments: “We are extremely happy that Proterra believed in our ability to help out with state of the art material handling carts for their ramp up. I am especially thankful to have us working with companies that deliver this environmental friendly product that will make our cities cleaner and less noisy. We look forward to be part of the continued growth for Proterra.”

If you’re looking for a similar solution, contact us at sales@flexqube.com

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Photo: Marcus Yam, LA Times

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