31 March 2015

FlexQube receives an order for 150 carts from a customer in England

Tim Massey

Tim Massey

Sales Manager UK

FlexQube receives an order for 150 carts from a customer in England

FlexQube® has received an order for 150 carts from a company in England! The carts will hold EUR-pallets and Pallets of size 1000×1200 mm. The carts have a removable handlebar that can be mounted on all four sides of the cart and since it is removable only 20 handlebars are needed and kept at work stations and mounted when carts need to be moved. The carts will be used together with the recently launched tugger train system from Linde Material Handling.

If you’re looking for carts contact us at sales@flexqube.com

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FlexQube pallet Cart video thumbnail

FlexQube UK Sales manager Tim Massey
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FlexQube UK Sales manager Tim Massey

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